I encourage anyone who is getting ready to prepare for some kind of competition (physique, strongman, Crossfit, Iron Man, etc.) to keep a journal. Not only will it keep you on track, it will also be a great reference to use when you decide to compete again. I have always observed that the athletes that do the best in their sport, are the most consistent, are less injured, and look the best record their training in a journal of some sort.
Below I am going to lay out my program I started in November. It has been more of process of preparation and elimination since I have not done a physique split in a long time.
My main goal has been to prepare my mind. These past months I have been visualizing my goals, keeping myself focused, keeping the eye on the prize. The elimination process has mostly been getting rid of the unnecessary exercises that I feel wont help me. No machines have been used (not against the use of machines), I have put my focus mostly in barbell, bodyweight, kettlebell movements. The training has been intense, took 1 week to deload through the holidays, other than that I have followed this split to the "T".
Training Split (Nov-Jan)
Monday- Chest, Biceps, Rear Deltoids
Tuesday- Hamstrings, Gluteus, Calves
Wednesday- Back, Triceps, Core
Thursday- Quadriceps, Conditioning
Friday- Shoulder (nothing heavy, mostly rehab exercises), Core
Saturday- Direct Arm Hypertrophy, Forearms
Sunday- Light conditioning, nothing taxing. I will either do light sprints, trail run or go to a dance class. (You read that right.... I dance.)
I really like this cycle of training! The rep ranges aren't very concrete, I am still experimenting with different kinds.
Once I am done at the end of January, I will be posting up my new training cycle. Reps, tempo, intensity will be documented more. Also will be putting up my body fat%, lean muscle mass, pictures to see how my body responds to training.
Recording in my journal is going to keep me focused, allowing me to see when I need to increase or decrease the intensity, when to wear my schmedium tank top, etc.
I challenge you the reader to record your training, you don't have to share like I am doing here. Write your personal goals, keep notes that motivate you in that book, write whatever you want that is going to keep you motivated to improve everyday! Do this for 1 month and see the progress you have made! You have nothing to lose, everything to gain.
If anyone has any questions on training, training programs, etc. Contact Ben and I! It is our passion to help out someone who is willing to make progress in their training. We can be reached on our Facebook page Solid Training.
Until next time; Train Often, Train Strong!
John Bedel